Nobody beats us as THE source for
specialized CB radio technical information. Here are a few examples.
- NEW! The Galaxy & Ranger Service Manual, Second Edition
- Finally, a
complete manual from Lou Franklin
on these very popular transceivers. Completely redrawn and readable schematics. Plus
alignment procedures, voltage charts, theory, and much more!
- Uniden
& Cybernet Export Service Manuals
- The only service manuals
available and each book covers many models. Written by Lou Franklin,
these include big easy-to-read schematics, alignment procedures, theory, voltage charts,
- Circular Polarized CB
Beam Antenna Plans
- Build this unique
3-element base beam antenna and pull in those weak signals from every direction:
horizontal, vertical, and everything in between!
- CB Tune-Up and
Modification Reports
- These reports are custom
made for specific CB models and include a basic how-to tuneup guide, plus specific
modification tips, power and modulation adjustments, layouts, phone numbers, etc.
- A huge reference list of
over 1,000 PLL models which tells you whether or not the circuit can be expanded for more
frequencies, and which SAMS Fotofacts book it's in. Know before you buy a used
dog that can't be modified!
- Names and addresses for
CB-related hardware, radio and antenna manufacturers, wholesale & retail dealers,
books, correspondence courses, & much more.
Also check our FREEBIES page for great resource material. Channel frequencies, crystal-synthesizer
mixing charts, broadbanding tricks, mike wiring, Sams Fotofacts® list, and much
more! Also a FREE book download for our CB EPROM DATA BOOK. We're
always adding new stuff that you can download for later study, so check this page often.