See Order Form for prices.
Heres a simple and
inexpensive way to get the inside information on your CB radio, before investing lots of
time or money on a rig that may not have the capabilities youre looking for. Our
giant technical library has specific tune-up, peaking, and modification information for
nearly all CBs. Weve probably got something you need on 95% of all American models,
plus many of the more popular foreign and "export" models. Thats over 1700
CBs, from rare old tube types to all the most common and popular crystal and PLL rigs.
Learn how to get maximum
receiver sensitivity, RF transmitter power output, modulation and range from your AM or
SSB rig by simple adjustments. No electronic knowledge required, and you use the
radios own S/RF panel meter or an inexpensive SWR meter for tuning. Our T/M Reports
also include mike wiring and crystal or PLL information for each specific model.
All of our CB TUNE-UP and MODIFICATION REPORTS are written in
the same no-nonsense, plain language style thats already made THE
"SCREWDRIVER EXPERT'S" GUIDE the authority on do-it-yourself
repairs. In these reports we show only the main adjustments for transmit power,
modulation, and receiver sensitivityno guessing at which controls and which parts do
what. And each T/M Report is specially prepared just for you.
· Parts
layout showing where to find the main adjustments for receiver sensitivity and AM or SSB
power output and modulation. Includes simple tuning instructions.
Basic description of the rigs PLL or crystal synthesizer. Helps you find dead
channel problems, or modify your CB for extra frequencies. Detailed, simple explanation of
PLL channel modifications that you can often make using only a handful of parts or wires.
For SSB radios, how to "strap over" the Clarifier to slide in TRANSMIT mode too.
· Mike wiring connections. No more guessing how to rewire a broken
mike, or how to install a new one.
Heres the perfect laymans guide for anyone who wants the maximum performance
from a CB radio. And how to get it without lots of previous electronic know-how or
expensive special equipment. Even if you have no service information available,
youll know what to do and how to do it for your CB model. Order one today!
When ordering...
Specify the manufacturers exact name and model. For example, a name like
"Sears Roadtalker" is totally useless because most Sears models are called
"Roadtalker." An answer like "Sears 934.3831" is the kind of
detail we need.
These Reports are for base & mobile CBs only; no reports for Walkie-Talkies, or
any 10M Ham rigs (HR2510, HTX100, RCI2950, etc.)
Published By:
TEL/FAX: 888-I-FIX-CBs (1-888-434-9227), (520) 298-7980
Electronic Mail:
To send us an email now, click here.